
Vetti Group initiates the transformation of the veterinary services market in Croatia: Opening of largest 24/7 veterinary clinic in Zagreb, Buba by Vetti Group

  • By year-end, Vetti Group will have a total of ten practices and two clinics across Croatia, with total 3 year investment plan exceeding EUR 20 million
  • The new Buba Vet Clinic boasts a 64-slice CT scanner, the most advanced CT in vet sector

Zagreb, December 12, 2023 – Vetti Group, Croatia’s leading veterinary group, has opened its newest Buba Vet Clinic, located at 10 Riječka Street, Zagreb. The clinic is the largest such facility in the region, offering 24/7 pet care.

This year, in addition to opening its Buba Veterinary Clinic, Vetti Group made several acquisitions: (i) one of the first privately owned veterinary practices, Marković Veterinary Practice in Zagreb; (ii) Feliks Veterinary Practice in Virovitica; (iii) Đakovo Veterinary Station with six practices; (iv) Zagreb based Doktor Vau Veterinary Practice; and (v) Neovet Zagreb with the 24/7 Kreszinger Vet Clinic. These acquisitions have placed Vetti Group as the largest veterinary group in Croatia and the region. By year-end, the Group plans to acquire a further veterinary practice in Split, resulting in a total of ten practices and two clinics throughout Croatia, while planned investments over the next three years amount to more than EUR 20 million. At the moment, the Group employs 130 people and is expected to exceed 280 employees by end of 2024.

Vetti Group is majority-owned by Provectus Capital Partners’ fund, while key vet doctors remain partners. “Vetti Group was established with the aim of raising the overall standard of veterinary profession in Croatia, decentralizing and expanding quality servicesfrom Zagreb to the rest of the country, and improving the standards and conditions of work for all the employees. At present, our development and expansion plan focuses on Croatia; however, in the future we would like to enter the markets of the neighboring countries,” said Marko Galić, Partner and Member of the Investment Committee at Provectus Capital Partners.

A special focus lies on the opening of regional Vetti Group clinics and hospitals, which will simultaneously provide top diagnostic services, as well as treatment, surgical procedures, and more complex tests throughout Croatia. “Our regional clinics will perform tests and emergency procedures which were previously not available. By standardizing services across Croatia, we will increase the level of veterinary care. Furthermore, by improving working conditions, focus on continued education and training, I am confident that we will impact the entire market in Croatia,” stated Suzana Skorija, President of the Vetti Group Management Board.

The new 700-square-meter Buba Veterinary Clinic provides 24/7 state of the art diagnostics and care in a single location

In addition to the well-known Buba Veterinary Practice, Vetti Group has added a new location in the country’s capital, the first ever regional center located at 10 Riječka Street, near souther exit from Zagreb. Thanks to an investment of more than EUR 2 million, pet owners and their pets can now visit more than 700-square-meter clinic boasting a spacious waiting room with reception, a separate waiting room for cats, 24h veterinary inpatient facility, four operating rooms, ten examination and consultation rooms, a laboratory and a diagnostic area with CT, X-ray and ultrasound devices, together with a great team of experts, all available 24/7. Moreover, the new Buba Veterinary Clinic is equipped with the latest, 64-slice CT scanner, which is the most powerful in Croatia in terms of its features. The device provides shorter examination time and more detailed imaging than all other devices currently available on the market.

“With top-quality experts, state-of-the-art equipment, and 24/7 availability to patients, the clinic will ensure that all the employees have a comfortable work environment. We want to raise the standard of employees as well as tangible and intangible working conditions for veterinarians, veterinary technicians, and all the other employees in Croatia’s veterinary sector,” added Skorija.

“The partnership with Provectus Capital Partners investment firm is the highlight of our career. We have been building the Buba brand name slowly and systematically over the past 20 years, with the aim of one day having a clinic that is at par with international standards and top-quality services available around the world. I am confident that we will continue to do the best job, and that this clinic will truly be a pleasant place for our colleagues to work in and develop professionally, and a place for our patients to return to with trust and confidence in our abilities,” said Bruno Ljolje, founder of the Buba Veterinary Practice.

Plans for the future

Next year, Vetti Group plans to carry out a number of acquisitions across Croatia, open a clinic in Split based on the newly opened regional veterinary clinic in Zagreb and refurbish some of its existing veterinary practices. Furthermore, the Group has launched a multi-year employee education plan. As part of that plan, a symposium was held featuring a lecture by the leading expert in veterinary neurology and neurosurgery, Dr. Ronaldo Da Costa, co-author of the renowned veterinary neurology book: A Practical Guide to Canine and Feline Neurology and editor of the neurology sections in books by Ettinger and Feldman.

In 2024, the Group plans to open a veterinary hospital with additional diagnostics and an educational center in western part of Zagreb. The hospital will have a 1.5 T MRI device, the first of its kind in Croatia for animal examinations. Finally, there is also a plan to set up and develop a Vetti Group call center intended for communication with pet owners, and a plan to introduce routine pet physical exams and pet insurance policies.
